The DMi8 Microscope

Fully configurable with manual to motorized components, the DMi8 microscope allows you to build the imaging system for your research and budget needs.

Flexibility is built-in, allowing you to add established options like DIC for unstained samples and Intelligent Automation. For time-lapse experiments use precise focus control with Adaptive Focus Control and Closed Loop Focus.

DMi8 – Flexibility in mind

The Leica DMi8 is built with flexibility in mind. With up to two Infinity Ports providing access points for addition of fluorescent devices, the microscope is easily adaptable for everything from simple fluorescent imaging to sophisticated super resolution applications. This novel design facilitates the integration of additional fluorescence light sources and laser systems for advanced applications like

  • FRAP
  • Photo-switching
  • Ablation
  • Optogenetics
  • And many more.

Adaptive Focus Control

One click of a button and the LED light beam assisted Adaptive Focus Control (AFC) automatically maintains your focus, in real time.

Save time and make sure your time lapse imaging isn’t affected by changes in experimental conditions.

DMi8 focus drive

The DMi8 system features closed loop focus with 20 nm re-positioning accuracy.

Combined with an increased focus travel range of 12 mm, choose closed loop focus for the highest repeatability with multi-point time lapse experiments.

You can find more details here