Zeiss Elyra 7 Lattice/SIM²

The super-resolution microscope Elyra 7 takes you far beyond the diffraction limit of conventional microscopy: With Lattice SIM² you can now double the conventional SIM resolution and discriminate the finest sub-organelle structures, even those no more than 60 nm apart. You don‘t need to sacrifice resolution when imaging at high speed using only the minimal exposure needed for life observation. Elyra 7 enables you to combine super-resolution and high-dynamic imaging – without the need for special sample preparation or expert knowledge of complex microscopy techniques.
  • Resolve structures down to 60 nm
  • Observe live cell dynamics up to 255 fps.
  • Accelerate image acquisition in all three dimensions.
  • Get the sharpest sectioning in wide-field microscopy
  • Utilize a wealth of imaging techniques in one platform

Resolution Excellence with Lattice SIM²

With SIM², a novel image reconstruction algorithm raising the SIM technology to a new level, you can now double the conventional SIM resolution. Lattice SIM² comes with outstanding out-of-focus light suppression, giving you the sharpest sectioning in widefield microscopy even for highly scattering samples. SIM² image reconstruction robustly reconstructs all structured-illumination-based acquisition data of your Elyra 7 – with minimal artefacts – for living and fixed samples.

Speed and Efficiency for Your Experiments

While  doubling the classic SIM resolution, SIM² gives you gentle imaging of living and fixed specimens at high speeds of up to 255 fps. Combine SIM² with Burst and Leap modes to make super-resolution acquisition faster than ever before. With SIM Apotome mode, even lossless acquisition can be achieved, meaning for every reconstructed image just one raw image is needed! Or make use of Elyra 7 Duolink to image two differently stained structures simultaneously and use the multiple colors to boost resolution even further.

You can find more details here